ZPN-BS-46 15-18 cm esophageal length, 6 impedance, 1 pH channel, diameter 6.4 FR / 2.13 mm. Acid LPR ZPI-BL-23 Esophageal reflux + acid LPR detection, 17-19 cm esophageal length, 6 impedance, 2 pH channels, -16 & 0 cm, diameter 6.9 FR / 2.3 mm. ZPI-BL-24 Esophageal reflux + acid LPR detection, 14-16 cm esophageal length, 6 impedance,

Denominazione commerciale: COMFORTEC Z/PH PROBES: Codice del prodotto: ZAN-BG-44: Produttore del dispositivo medico: SANDHILL SCIENTIFIC INC: Nome della Categoria for optimal ease of insertion. Small in diameter, our probes are made from specially-formulated polyurethane, which softens in response to body temperature to optimize patient comfort. All catheters are latex-free and are available in custom configurations. Not only that, our probes are 100% 2010/11 US Hospital Product Catalog - Sandhill Scientific Comfortabel, gemakkelijk, soepel en flexibel. Gastro-enterologie sondes van Diversatek Healthcare zijn de perfecte keuze voor elke toepassing. Onze pH- en impedantie- / pH-sondes zijn verkrijgbaar in drie maten om aan verschillende slokdarmlengtes te voldoen.

RESOLUÇÃO-RE Nº 2.524, DE 9 DE JUNHO DE 2011. O Diretor-Presidente da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, no uso das atribuições que lhe conferem o Decreto de nomeação de 27 de abril de 2011 da Presidenta da República, publicado no DOU de 28 de abril de 2011 e o inciso X do art. 13 do Regulamento da ANVISA, aprovado pelo Decreto n° 3.029, de 16 de abril de 1999, tendo em

ComforTec Z/pH - Single-use Catheter, 15-18 cm Esophageal length, non-infused, ZPN-BS-46 6 impedance, 1 pH channel, Diameter 6.4 FR / 2.13 mm. Internal reference. ZAI ZPN-BS-46 15-18 cm Esophageal length, 6 impedance, 1 pH channel, 6.4 FR / 2.13 mm. 1 ZPN-BS-50 15-18 cm Esophageal length, 6 impedance, 1 pH channel, 6.9 FR / 2.3 mm. Sensor spacing at 1.5 cm. 1 ZPN-BG-57 15–18 cm Esophageal length, 6 impedance, 2 pH channels, -7 & 0 cm, 6.4 FR / 2.13 mm (Gastric). 1 ZPN-BS-46 15–18 cm Esophageal length, 6 impedance, 1 pH channel, 6.4 FR / 2.13 mm. 1 ZPN-BS-50 15–18 cm Esophageal length, 6 impedance, 1

ZPN-BS-46 15-18 cm esophageal length, 6 impedance (spaced 2 cm), 1 pH channel (esophageal), diameter 6.4 FR / 2.13 mm. ZPN-BS-50 15-18 cm esophageal length, 6 impedance (spaced 1.5 cm), 1 pH channel (esophageal), diameter 6.4 FR / 2.13 mm. ZPN-BG-07 15-18 cm esophageal length, 6 impedance (spaced 2 cm), 2 pH

Más de 33 años brindando Soluciones Hospitalarias Integrales. Ver Fabricas. Contactar ZPN-BS-46: Produttore del dispositivo medico: SANDHILL SCIENTIFIC INC: Nome della Categoria: SONDE PER PH-METRIA ESOFAGEA: Codice della Categoria: G010301: Iscrizione repertorio: Iscritto: Gruppo Dispositivi medicali simili: 0: Dispositivo medicale di riferimento: 0: Tipo: Dispositivo Medico di Classe: Progressivo assegnato al dispositivo ComforTec Z/pH - Single-use Catheter, 15-18 cm Esophageal length, Non-infused, ZPN-BS-46 6 impedance, 1 pH channel, Diameter 6.4 FR / 2.13 mm. Internal Open the catalog to page 5 Denominazione commerciale: COMFORTEC Z/PH PROBES: Codice del prodotto: ZAN-BG-44: Produttore del dispositivo medico: SANDHILL SCIENTIFIC INC: Nome della Categoria for optimal ease of insertion. Small in diameter, our probes are made from specially-formulated polyurethane, which softens in response to body temperature to optimize patient comfort. All catheters are latex-free and are available in custom configurations. Not only that, our probes are 100%