Newly declassified memos detail extent of improper Obama

Obama knew of NSA spying on Merkel and approved it, report The unnamed NSA official's allegations delve deeper into a Saturday report, published by the German magazine Der Spiegel, claiming the U.S. spy agency has monitored Merkel’s phone since 2002, or NEW SCANDAL: NSA Caught Red-handed Spying on Americans Yet again the NSA has been caught spying on Americans. Last year, the NSA was revealed to have gathered records about U.S. calls and text messages that it was authorized to obtain. According to a Wall Street Journal report, this marks the second time the organization was caught spying on Americans. Naturally, this incident has […] Domestic Surveillance Techniques - Our Data Collection Program Surveillance Self-Defense Guide How NSA’s Domestic Spying Program Works How the NSA's Domestic Spying Program Works Timeline of NSA Domestic Spying The State Secrets Privilege Eavesdropping 101 Warrantless Wiretapping Was Far More Involved Than Previously Known: Stellar Wind House Extends Warrantless Email Snooping for 5 More Years - FISA At&T's Role in Surveillance Supreme Court …

Yet again the NSA has been caught spying on Americans. Last year, the NSA was revealed to have gathered records about U.S. calls and text messages that it was authorized to obtain. According to a Wall Street Journal report, this marks the second time the organization was caught spying on Americans. Naturally, this incident has […]

NSA’s global surveillance dragnet is massive. Under FISA 702, the NSA vacuums up massive … If You Do This, the NSA Will Spy on You - Defense One Jul 07, 2014

NSA spying claims: Five things you need to know - CNNPolitics

The National Security Agency and FBI violated specific civil liberty protections during the Obama administration by improperly searching and disseminating raw intelligence on Americans or failing